Portfolio - Trophy Hub
This website featured:
- Coded entirely in PHP in a modular way to make the website more easily maintainable
- Dynamic design - content drawn from a bespoke design MySQL database
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- E-mail addresses viewable and clickable but hidden from spambots using a bespoke Javascript obfuscation technique
- An adaptive/responsive design with different layouts for desktop, tablet and mobile
- Responsively scaling product images
- Open Graph meta tags on every page of the site
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system
- The main logo in SVG format (converted from PDF) to allow for better responsive scaling
- A bespoke content management system
The client wanted to sell their products online and approached me to build them a website.
They had only two requirements:
- Customers had to be able to specify text to be engraved on the products which they wanted to purchase.
- The website had to be smartphone-friendly.
While the first requirement was a particularly awkward stumbling block it soon became apparent that there was another more difficult one - many of the products needed to include an optional extra product; a disc shaped “centre” to be attached to most medals and to many trophies.
The customers had to be able to choose from an appropriate range of centres for the product they wanted to buy.
It turned out to be too difficult to quickly customize an off-the-shelf shopping cart to include these features so I opted to design and build a shopping cart completely from scratch and this included designing the backend database as well as a dedicated content management system.
The website was designed with a modular structure with a view to possibly extending it and adding extra features.
Unfortunately, before the website was completed, the client decided to wind up their business and therefore no longer required a website, so it was taken down.
This online shop is now available to anyone who would like a simple dedicated system to sell their products online.
If you are interested please feel free to drop me a line and we can have a chat to see how this system can be tailored to your needs.
Desktop website:

Mobile website:

Navigaion Menu - Desktop and Mobile: