Portfolio - John D’Arcy Musician
This website features:
- Coded entirely in PHP to make the website more easily maintainable
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- Open Graph meta tags on every page of the site
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system for the content text
- FIR (Fahrner Image Replacement) technique for the banner
- A Javascript powered, cross-platform compatible music player implemented with jQuery
- Uses Microformats throughout to make it more search engine friendly
- E-mail address viewable and clickable but hidden from spambots using a bespoke Javascript obfuscation technique
When I made this site I wanted it to recreate the feeling of music being played in a dark and smokey jazz club, so I designed a backdrop like the bare brick walls of a cellar and a banner which was reminiscent of neon lights.
The banner, headings, navigation menu and quotations use a retro font which would be typical of the typefaces used in the time of jazz’s heydey.
The music player uses the same styling as the banner and menu and can play either MP3s or OGG audio files (OGA) and unlike FLASH it will work on smartphones.
The site is being updated at present so that it will be fully “responsive” and therefore fully smartphone and tablet compatible.