Portfolio - Hilltop Rugwash
This orinal version of this website featured:
- Coded entirely in PHP to make the website more easily maintainable
- Dynamic/static design - much of the content drawn from a MySQL database
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- FIR (Fahrner Image Replacement) technique for the logo, menu buttons, large telephone number and sub headings
- E-mail address viewable and clickable but hidden from spambots using a bespoke javascript obfuscation technique
This was a fairly simple site - the initial design I created used a content area in the shape of a horse’s rug (which would expand vertically) but the clients didn’t like the idea so after a few redesigns they settled on the below design.
Using a bespoke content management system they could enter news items and could update the price list and add or remove items from it.
This website no longer exists.

In 2014 Hilltop Rugwash asked me to redesign the website so that it would be mobile-friendly.
The new design incorporated the following changes:
- An adaptive design with different layouts for desktop, tablet and mobile
- Open Graph meta data on every page of the site
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system to replace most of the FIR
- A telephone number which is clickable on the mobile layout but not on either the desktop layout or the tablet layout