Portfolio - Equiskips
This website has been replaced by the secretary of Equiskips with a “design” of her own and uses an incredibly slow WordPress website with a hideously mutilated theme that uses black text on a dark blue background, so the information given below is no longer relevant.
This website features:
- A bespoke logo design
- Custom made cartoons
- Coded entirely in PHP to make the website more easily maintainable
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- Open Graph meta tags on every page of the site
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system
- A bespoke Javascript powered banner with cycling images
- E-mail address viewable and clickable but hidden from spambots using a bespoke Javascript obfuscation technique
This was a very simple website which was worth a look but isn't any longer, unless you want to see how not to design a website.